Tax Preparation Industry News

Why is Tax Season Starting Later and Later?

An interesting question was posed this morning that made me think and question it myself. That question was "why does…

12 years ago

Attention- CAAs- Important Warning!!!!!

This notice is particularly for Certified Acceptance Agents. Hopefully, you all have kept appropriate documentation on returns which had W-7…

13 years ago

Reminder! Live CE Webinar Thursday, Sept. 6th!

Our next webinar will be covering General Tax Law Updates for the coming tax season.  The webinar will be hosted…

13 years ago

Medical Marijuana Business Deduction Surprise!

Many businesses sell medical marijuana in the retail sector. Of course, having legalized marijuana on a state level, makes this…

13 years ago

Webinar on Tuesday! Education Credits & Tuition!

Please join us next Tuesday for our webinar covering Education Credits & Tuition deductions, how to report them and which…

13 years ago

The Only EFIN-way: Online System to be Juggernaut of EFIN Acquisition.

The IRS recently released a statement saying that EFIN applications by paper will no longer be accepted. Effective October 1,…

13 years ago

Changes to the Online PTIN User System

Why does it seem that just before something is fully functional and working well that it needs to be changed?…

13 years ago

Bruce Grant in Serious Hot Water in Chicago

I've begun so many stories of fraud the same way, "it's a story we've come to know so well."  I'm…

13 years ago

Just Announced: Report On Fraud in the ITIN Department

Yesterday afternoon, the findings of the investigation of the ITIN Department of the IRS were released in a report that…

13 years ago

House Passes Bill to Extend Bush Tax Cuts to All Income Levels

The Republican held House passed a bill today extending the Bush tax cuts to all taxpayers at all income levels.…

13 years ago

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