Tax Preparation Industry News

Over 50% of all households paid NO federal tax for 2009

Over 50% of all US households paid NO federal tax for the tax period of 2009.  Even more impressive than…

14 years ago

100,000 Tax Preparers to be target by the IRS for PTIN violations in 2010 season

The IRS has began sending letters to about 100,000 tax return preparers who either used outdated PTINs or used social…

14 years ago

Tax Clients Liens & Levies – IRS offers “Fresh-Start Open House” Tomorrow

The Internal Revenue Service will open the doors to dozens of its Taxpayer Assistance Centers across the country this coming…

14 years ago

Tax Preparer Tips – Manual Entry of SSNs now required on all W2s

New for the 2011 tax season all W2s will require a manual entry of clients social security number.  Software companies…

14 years ago

When Does My Tax Preparer PTIN Expire?

Tax Preparers were required to get a Preparer Tax Identification Number last tax season.  Those PTINs were initially scheduled to…

14 years ago

Tax Debt forces SuperBowl Veteran to put championship ring up for auction

Fuzzy Thurston, a former lineman of the Green Bay Packers will be auctioning off his 1967 SuperBowl Championship ring to…

14 years ago

Senators Press IRS to Adapt Tax Code for Same-Sex Couples

8 democratic Senators have pressed the IRS for appeals to the tax code relating to the handling of same-sex couples. …

14 years ago

Business Mileage Deductions Changes for 2nd Half of 2011

The IRS has just released its’ adjusted mileage rates for the second half of tax year 2011. These rates will…

14 years ago

Get your PTIN early this year

The IRS is moving forward with implementing their testing requirement for tax preparers and they have stated that this will…

14 years ago

IRS wants your input on Preparer Exams

The IRS has selected Prometric to administer the forthcoming tax preparer examinations, but they would like to hear from you,…

14 years ago