Tax Preparation Industry News

IRS Appeals Ruling In Tax Preparer Lawsuit Against RTRP

The IRS is appealing the district court's ruling in Loving vs. IRS.  Three independent tax preparers and a rally of…

12 years ago

IRS Could Review Previously Processed ITINs for Fraud Patterns

According to Accounting Today, the IRS and TIGTA have almost made up.  Not entirely, but TIGTA is letting the IRS…

12 years ago

IRS Closed Tomorrow. Call Today or Wait Until Monday!

The Internal Revenue Service today reminded taxpayers that, due to the current budget situation including the sequester, the agency will…

12 years ago

Liberty’s John Hewitt, “Grandfather of Tax Industry”, Stands Trial for Racketeering, Fraud

The "Grandfather" of the tax industry to stand trial for a number of illegal acts. Apparently, birthing an industry requires…

12 years ago

Unbanked: Prediction of Challenges To Come Regarding PPACA

With the impending enforcement of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, research groups all over are attempting to find…

12 years ago

IRS Under Fire for Line Dancing and Loads of Misc. Expenses

Can the IRS's situation become more sadly laughable? At this point, I'm beginning to think not.  Released this weekend was…

12 years ago

PTIN Certificate Email is Unofficial- Don’t Det Duped!

Third party for-profit organizations have obtained the PTIN list under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and created an online…

12 years ago

EITC Fraud Continues to Vex IRS

It is estimated that the IRS erroneously paid out 11 to 13 BILLION dollars in EITC.  The IRS thought forcing…

12 years ago

Have a Great Idea? Tax Reform Committee Wants Your Opinion & Ideas!

It's here. You can stop waiting now. The age where the online socio-political arena is just as important (and way…

12 years ago

Information on RTRP Refunds Finally Released!

There has finally been some information released regarding refunds for RTRP Exam fees. Requests for refunds can only be made…

12 years ago