PTIN application system down over weekend
Online IRS PTIN application system will be down over the weekend.
Online IRS PTIN application system will be down over the weekend.
The IRS online PTIN application has some serious bugs that they are attempting to fix quickly, but it is currently very difficult to get a PTIN issued. One of the most common complaints that we are getting is: if you are listed as a “Spouse” on a married filing joint tax return, you will not […]
We are finally getting successful PTIN applications pushed through. The biggest issues we are getting reported from users of the new online application tool are problems getting your temporary password emailed to you. We have found that company emails (aka and hotmail email accounts are not working smoothly with the IRS’ system. We did […]
The IRS website is active for applying for Preparer Tax Identification Numbers. The website is:,,id=210909,00.html. As of today 9/28/10, we still have not been able to successfully get a PTIN application put through. The IRS says that they are experiencing issues with the online tool, but are working to iron out the bugs as […]
Online PTIN applications are still not available through the IRS’ website. We will keep you posted as we hear new details.