The IRS Ripped off Its Shirt to Reveal Green Flesh Atop Muscles Made of 1099-Ks
Yes, it’s true. The IRS has recently become the green-fleshed Hulk of our governmental body. This year the IRS has been on a roll changing things to improve the system, prevent fraud, smash identity theft, and, in the writer’s opinion, get it’s act together before facilitating the facilitation of the individual mandate come 2014. Really, […]
Pre-season Marketing Webinar On Friday, Nov. 7th
Ladies and Gents, don’t miss the webinar. We’ll be going over marketing programs, tools, and implementation. Preseason Tax Office Marketing Join us for a Webinar on December 7 Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat now at: This webinar will be covering marketing your tax business for this coming tax season. We will discuss what […]
Gov. Attempting to Pass a Tax Cut Extension Bill
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has recently said she would try a “discharge petition” to bring to the floor of the House of Representatives a Senate-passed bill that would extend tax cuts for the middle class, those who earn less than 250 thousand. Requiring 218 signatures to bring it to the floor, the discharge petition […]