Show Me The Money!!! 2013 Gift Exclusion Goes to 14K!
For the upcoming tax year the annual exclusion for gifts rises to $14,000 for 2013, up from $13,000 for 2012. Any monetary, or tangible gift with FMV, of less 14 thousand dollars does not require a gift tax return to be filed nor is the recipient required to pay taxes on that gift, so let’s […]
Californian CTEC Preparers, Renewal is Due in 9 Days!
Below is a list of dates with corresponding late fees. Don’t forget these late fees are IN ADDITION to the regular renewal fee. Also, these fees do NOT include your PTIN fee. October 31st- Deadline to renew with CTEC, Pay California $25 After 10/31- Jan. 1st- Late renewal with CTEC, Pay California $25 to renew […]
Best Time to Start a Tax Prep Business? Right now!
Whether you are searching for yourself or with a fellow tax preparer, regardless of previous experience, you will find that this is the best and last year to open your own tax prep business with the fewest barriers to enter the industry. New federal tax preparer requirements set in place will be enforced strictly next […]