You Can Now Track Your Amendment! Really? Yes!
Beginning in March 2013, you can track your IRS amended return status using a new web or toll-free application. Go to and click on “Where’s My Amended Return,” or call 1-866-464-2050. With either application, you will need to provide the following information:
Your Taxpayer Identification Number (usually SSN),
Your date of birth, and
Your ZIP code.
The new telephone and web applications will be deployed in March 2013 and will provide information similar to Where’s My Refund?
Confirm Receipt of a Form 1040-X Filing.
Obtain an update of the current status of a Form 1040-X Filing.
Receive an estimated time of completion.
You can find it at under the “Tools” tab or you can enter the URL:
Posted: March 22, 2013