Tax Filing and Compliance Training

Dealing with the IRS can be intimidating, but it does not need to be. Knowing the rules is not difficult, and operating within the framework they provide is straight forward. That’s where our tax preparation training courses come in. Due diligence is the overlying theme when measuring decision making situations during tax preparation, and our IRS due diligence training courses lay the ground work for protecting yourself as a tax preparer and as a tax office owner. Tax preparation paperwork and document requirements are laid out for you in plain, easy to implement “best practices” programs for you to integrate into your office procedures.  

There are many different ways to operate your tax office; Traditional Retail Storefront, Mobile Tax Prep Services, Adding onto an existing business, Home Based Tax Business, Drop Off Tax Service, Fax-A-Tax programs, and many more. All are viable and all can be profitable with our tax preparation training courses. Discuss your thoughts on operating structure with your Federal Direct account rep to get insight on how to operate within IRS guidelines in your unique situation.

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